Flow Communications

At Flow, we pride ourselves on the fact that our team is made up of highly educated and curious characters who constantly challenge the status quo and have a perpetual drive to be better at what they do. So it was with no surprise that during our annual staff feedback sessions, requests were made for more opportunities for staff development and training.

Flow Chalk 1
Class is in session. Image courtesy of John Morgan

Another characteristic of the Flow team is the number of former (and prospective) teachers we have on board who have a desire to share skills and experience. This is how we were able to meet the development and training requests, which led to an internal version of Flow School materialising.

Being Flow Communications means that we must offer a unique teaching style, so our Thursday afternoon classes have seen us sucking on stones, speculating about green dots and trying to usurp each other’s Google Docs!

The classes so far have been fairly wide ranging – some of them have been directly linked to helping staff understand what it means to be a Flowstar and how the business works, while others have dealt with tapping into creativity and getting the most out of Google.

Termed “Flow Winter School”, this initial semester has been a bit of a test case for the company to see what courses staff members respond to, need and get the most out of. So far the feedback has been positive, as the classes have been rated entertaining and rewarding – music to any educator’s ears.

Flow School classes aim to breach a divide that exists between theoretical training and the realities of the business world, equipping staff with skills that are not necessarily passed on in normal academic curricula.

The course, “How Flow Works”, deals with what it means to stay in business and be successful in a tough economic climate. “Anatomy of a Flowstar” focuses on the importance of the team being on the “same page” and how each of us has to deliver on our brand’s promise to clients, while “Crank Up Your Creativity” aims to equip staff with practical ways to channel creativity to use in a business environment. “Business Ethics” and “Business Etiquette” are both fairly contentious and dangerous minefields that are covered in separate sessions, structured to help staff cope in hazardous territory.

Practically, Google has developed tools for business that we are now keen to use, and Flow School sessions train staff to get the most out of these new technologies. Our hope is that once we have used our staff as willing guinea pigs, we will have a series of interesting, fun and useful courses that will benefit other companies.

Says Flowstar Mildred Thabane, “Flow Winter School is proving very helpful. I think it’s going to help us all in our work a lot.

“I think it’s important not only to be focused on your own thing, but to be more aware of what’s happening around you and what your colleagues can bring to the table.”

Our next semester may include classes on typography, PR, destination marketing, social media insights and (if some people have their way) fire walking! It is Flow School after all so there has to be something quirky.

Sushi making and life-drawing classes anybody?

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