Flow Communications

A new media training course conducted by Flow Communications, in partnership with media personalities Jeremy Maggs and Kate Turkington, equips managers to turn any interaction with the media – even one in a crisis situation – to their advantage.

Jeremy 1
Jeremy Maggs and Miliswa Sitshwele conduct an on-the-spot interview

Through a series of simulated radio, print and television interviews, trainees get a sense of the type of questions to expect from journalists, and the tactics they might use to get them answered.

Over the past few months, we have trained about 60 of the top Airports Company of South Africa (ACSA) employees, giving them the skills necessary to manage any experience with the media in the future.

The training begins with an introduction to the media landscape and how it is changing in South Africa, conducted by journalist and Flow CEO Tara Turkington. Kate Turkington then introduces the radio and television interview, giving crucial tips such as how to sit and what to wear for a TV interview, and how to hit the air running in a radio interview. This is followed by a live radio and TV interview by a pack of journalists, led by Jeremy Maggs. Trainees are randomly selected, so no-one knows they’re up until the very last moment.

The interviews are based on a dramatic yet realistic scenario concocted by our journalists and can range from dealing with a hijacked plane to an electricity failure at a crucial moment.

Once the radio interviews have been completed, the trainees are prepared for a press conference and a new twist is added to the original scenario. Our group of journalists asks the trainees a series of difficult questions relating to that scenario. Again, the press conference is filmed.

After the press conference, the trainees can look forward to a one-on-one television interview with Jeremy, who can be extremely intimidating!

Feedback is then given on the performance of the trainees from the radio interviews, press conference and television interviews. All the trainees receive a DVD compilation of all the training that took place on the day, and a set of printed notes for future reference.

Trainees usually leave feeling invigorated and well-equipped to deal with the media – if a little exhausted!

Said ACSA Chairman Sindi Zilwa after her one-on-one training earlier this week, “This media training is the best. It’s harsh, but it’s the best!”

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